lunes, 31 de julio de 2017

Qué pasa el día 1 de agosto?

Lo que pasa el día primero de agosto es que la moneda se va a bifurcar. Pero no se trata de una ‘bifurcación suave’ (también conocida como ‘soft fork‘), sino que se trata de una ‘bifurcación dura’ (‘hard fork‘).

Diferencia entre bifurcación suave y dura

Una bifurcación, para quién no lo conozca, es una actualización de las ‘reglas’ del Blockchain, la tecnología que hay detrás de las criptomonedas. La diferencia entre estos términos es que el primero (soft fork) es una actualización que no afecta al funcionamiento; un hard fork, en cambio, implicar acoger los cambios queramos o no si queremos seguir con el desarrollo oficial.
Nos encontramos ante un periodo de incertidumbre y con mucha volatilidad
Es decir, podemos seguir con las reglas anteriores, pero no sería considerado como la moneda original. Un ejemplo de bifurcación dura es lo que sufrió Ethereum en 2016: las reglas antiguas pasaron a formar Ethereum Classic (ETC) y las nuevas siguieron siendo Ethereum (ETH) per se. Cada una de las dos monedas son diferentes y por lo tanto cada una tiene su comunidad y su valor de mercado.

Dos monedas, dos caminos

Una puede tener mayor acogida que otra y por lo tanto una podría desplomarse y la otra multiplicar su valor. Pero eso no se puede predecir. Es la unión de las decisiones de las millones de personas que usan la moneda lo que hace que un valor suba y el otro descienda.

Por eso se dice que es mejor vender todos los Bitcoins antes del 1 de agosto y, o bien comprar otras criptodivisas, o bien esperar a que pase esta fecha para meter el capital en la nueva moneda o en el BTC. Por ello, el BTC está descendiendo y a la misma vez otras monedas están sufriendo cambios. Hay mucha gente mudándose de monedas y otro tanto huyendo lo más lejos posible de estos mercados hasta que la cosa se calme.

Qué pasa si se realiza una bifurcación dura

Realizar una bifurcación dura implica que, si toda la comunidad no apoya el movimiento, habrá un largo periodo de inestabilidad y de incertidumbre. Por eso mismo es un movimiento muy arriesgado.

La explicación a por qué no se sabe qué moneda será mejor acogida es porque media comunidad está dividida en que el problema presente (la poca capacidad del Bitcoin para realizar muchas transacciones al mismo tiempo) se debe solucionar mediante la reducción del tamaño de las transacciones; mientras que otro tanto de la gente piensa que se debe solucionar aumentando el número de transacciones por bloque.

La crisis del 1 de agosto en cifras

Se han visto cosas tan inusuales como que el Litecoin haya superado en volumen de transacciones al propio Bitcoin. En concreto, esta alternativa al BTC alcanzó un volumen total de más de 1000 millones de dólares.

You need to know about Aug 1st!

Someone told you about bitcoin. They told you about the price boom. They used the word “disrupt”. They showed you how to install a wallet on your phone and how to get some. This article is about what they didn’ttell you or at least didn’t emphasize enough.
They probably didn’t tell you about how different a bitcoin address is to a bank account. You see, in bitcoin you’re responsible. For everything. In contrast to a bank there are few or no laws to protecting your bitcoin and your wallet provider is not to be trusted. What you can trust is the protocol. The code will do what it’s been programmed to do. So, do you need to review the entire core code yourself? Probably not. There are safe ways of storing your bitcoin which require very little technical skill. The basic rule of thumb is “your keys your bitcoin. Not your keys not your bitcoin”. A secure paper wallet can easily be set up by visiting a site like, generating and printing an address offline and erasing your browser’s cache memory before going online again. Or you could buy a hardware wallet.
So, what will happen on Aug 1st 2017?
Well the basic story is that a majority of the bitcoin nodes will try to force the miners to implement a protocol upgrade proposal called BIP148. They will try to do this to end the stalemate between the various parties in the block size debate which has stalled the evolution of bitcoin over the last year or so. Transaction fees are very high right now because of this. This may play out in a couple of different ways but basically your main concern should be a possible chain split after a fork. A chain split will result in two different tokens. This happened to Ethereum last year and it has happened to other cryptocurrencies too.
If you don’t control your keys during a chain split three main things may happen:
1.              Your bitcoin balance will stay the same and you will be able to use thatbitcoin token as usual.
2.            Your bitcoin balance will be zero over night since your wallet chose the wrong chain
3.            Your wallet provider will offer you a chance to keep your token balance on both chains or to choose one of them
If you do control your keys you will have the same balance on both chains and you will be able to trade one for the other, effectively increasing your total bitcoin balance. In the case of a chain split there’s a big chance that bitcoin will lose its value however. Either way, you’re better off knowing what you’re doing and in bitcoin there’s no way of faking that. Now go on and educate yourself! Google BIP148, Segregated Witness, cold storage, soft forks and hard forks! It’s your donkey that’s on the line!

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016


THE GOOD The new iphone 7 has the best Improved front and rear cameras – Comes with optical image stabilization -- presents much improved photos, especially in low light and darker spots. Its also Water resistant. Has a faster processor, plus a way better battery life. Way more onboard storage than all last year's models for almost the same price.

THE BAD Doesn’t have headphone jack (but comes with a dongle and compatible wired headphones ). Click-free home button takes getting used to. Only the larger 7 Plus comes with the cool dual camera. The shiny jet-black version scratches to fast.

THE BOTTOM LINE The iPhone 7's has a notable camera, a better battery and his water resistance improvements are worthwhile upgrades to a better familiar phone design. But this is the question most people is asking there selfs “ do i really need an upgrade... and if the Iphone 7 Plus might be a better choice.

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

Iphone 7 & Black Friday 2016

The best Iphone7 Black Friday Specials 

 Black Friday 2016 started today. Do you know what it means? That it is time to hunt all the best deals and offers online and in the stores. So fine tune your browsers, check that your internet connection is correct and eliminate distractions. Because you will need all your attention to hunt the black friday bargains that awaiting for you, as some offers have limited units and time limits.

And if you're looking for software, do not forget to look at our compilation of apps on iOS and MacOS for this Black Friday 2016.

For the spanish readers : For Spanish readers Tips tips on Black friday

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Addressing the Rumours of the iPhone 7

In this article, we take a look at some of the rumours which have come up about the iPhone 7 over the recent months.

Ever since the first mention of the iPhone 7, there has been a ton of hype around the subject. As with everything, whether it be a new video game, a new car, or in this case, a new iPhone, came a lot of speculation. Unfortunately, speculation is just that. A lot of the information being put out there simply isn’t true and is speculated. While some of the information may be accurate, until Apple release the information themselves it is not credible. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the biggest rumours which have been taking over the internet in recent months in regard to the iPhone 7.

12th of April, 2016
Around this date came the biggest “batch” of rumours following Apples first acknowledgement of the iPhone 7. While none of these rumours stand out very much, they are the first rumours to arise.
Processor. The processor for the iPhone 7 is said to be an A10 processors which will be run alongside the M10 processor.
Coloured Strips. With some of the previous iPhone models there have been coloured strips on the back of them, which are said to be removed with the release of the iPhone 7.
Thinner iPhone. From the iPhone 5 to the iPhone 6, there was a decrease in thickness of the iPhone. This trend is said to continue with the iPhone 7 as it is to be even thinner than the iPhone 6.
Headphone Jack. This is one of the more popular rumours which Apple have yet to comment on and therefore there is a likeliness of it being true. The headphone jack which has earned its place on almost every Apple device is said to be removed from the iPhone 7 and instead to be replaced with an enhanced Bluetooth emitter to push users towards using Bluetooth headphones. For some, this is a great positive, for others it’s a terrible negative.
Memory Increase. Previous iPhones have had but 1GB of RAM (Random Access Memory), although rumour has it that the iPhone 7 is going to triple that count and is going to be equipped with 3GB of RAM, making it the ultimate iPhone for performance.
Storage. With each of the past iPhones, the general storage capacities have been 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB (excusing the iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 as the option for 8GB was discontinued). With the iPhone 7 it is said that the storage capacities will range from the regular 16GB (which is now the standard) but instead go all the way up to a massive 256GB.

3rd of May, 2016
On the 3rd of May, several rumours arose after an Asian website released an image which was supposedly relevant to the iPhone 7 model. This image shows the motherboard of the iPhone 7 which apparently is missing the addition of a headphone jack, thus continuing with the rumour that the iPhone 7 will in fact not have a headphone jack.

29th of July, 2016
The most recent rumour to arise regarding the iPhone 7 is in regard to the release date and was ignited by an “Apple rumour specialist” known as Evan Blass. His prediction was that both the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus (also rumoured to be released alongside the iPhone 7 with similar features and specifications) will be released to the public around the 12th of September. Not long after this prediction was released, Blass went on to predict that on the 9th of September pre-orders for the iPhone 7 will be enabled.

To Conclude…
As you can see there are definitely a fair collection of rumours out there, but if you’re basing your decision on whether or not you should get an iPhone 7 on these rumours, be careful! Remember that none of these features are set in stone and until Apple release the features, don’t base your decision of the speculati

iPhone 7 Specifications Analysis

In this article, we discuss some of the specification of the iPhone 7 which have been officially announced by Apple themselves and analyse both the positives and the negatives of these specifications.

The release of the iPhone 7 is without a doubt going to be one of the biggest reveals in technology history. Not only that, but with it will be the release of the iOS 10 operating system. There’s no argument that the iPhone 7 release is going to be one of the biggest things to happen in 2016.
Ever since Apple first mentioned the iPhone 7, speculation began and all of the possible features of the upcoming Apple device came into discussion. Today we are going to discuss some of the specifications of the iPhone 7, break them down, and take a look at both the positives and the negatives of these specifications.

More RAM
If you aren’t too tech savvy, then RAM (Random Access Memory) is a computer component that is thought of as temporary storage. By this we mean that while the device is powered on, data is stored on it, but when the device is powered off or restarted, any data that was on the RAM is removed.
From an iPhone perspective, this is a fantastic addition. The chances are that if you’ve had an iPhone device for a while, you’ve had a performance issue at one point or another and the only way to deal with that issue is to double click your home button, swipe all of your open applications upwards, and restart your device. While more RAM in the iPhone 7 isn’t going to remove this issue, it will better the performance of the device in general.
There are no negatives to this at all and it is by far one of the better specifications. The iPhone 7 is set to have 3GB of RAM, and to put that in perspective, the previous iPhone 6 generation had only 1GB of RAM. There is no doubting that that is a huge increase and will have a noticeable performance effect.

The Camera
The work which Apple have put into the cameras for their devices over the past few years is unbelievable. The quality of pictures and videos which can be taken with the iPhone which make the photographer seem like a professional is truly breath-taking, and while that’s the case, Apple are continuing to improve their camera and are developing it even more.
Again, if you aren’t too tech savvy then a lot of what is about to be said won’t appeal much to you so just know this. All of the details which are about to be said will provide you with a crisper, clearer, smoother, and generally more impressive photos than ever before.
The 2 main focuses of the camera improvements for the iPhone 7 are the megapixels and the lens. Previously, with the iPhone 6 camera, it was a single lens 8-megapixel camera. That on its own is fairly impressive and if you’ve see the images which can be produced with those specifications, then you’d think that it can’t get much better than that. With the iPhone 7, we are looking at a twin lens 12-megapixel camera. Regardless of what your knowledge on technology is, that is an incredibly amazing step up from the past models.

iPhone 7 schematics suggest similar dimensions, unlikely front changes on iPhone 7 Plus

To Conclude…
There are many different features that are mind-blowing with the iPhone 7, although these are the two features which I feel stand out the most and are worth looking into. If you’ve had an iPhone in the past, more specifically the iPhone 6, and have had a slick and smooth experience provided by both the performance and the camera, then putting that experience into perspective with the things we’ve mentioned today should go to show how amazing the iPhone 7 will truly be.

iPhone 7 Accessories

In this article, we take a look at some of the accessories which have already been released for sale prior to the release of the iPhone 7.

With the iPhone 7 release just around the corner, many manufactures have taken it upon themselves to get ahead of the game and begin producing iPhone 7 accessories. They’ve gotten so ahead of it that they have already begun to sell some of their product online! That’s right, while the product itself is yet to be released, you are able to get your hands on some of the accessories that can go with it.

Some of the Best iPhone 7 Covers Available
After hearing about these iPhone 7 accessories, I decided to look around the internet and see what I could find. What I found was this website. Not only do they offer a variety of iPhone 7 accessories, in including a vast line of covers, but if you’re looking to get into the iPhone 7 industry earlier than the launch, then you can get in touch with them and become one of the few suppliers that there are. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the accessories which stand out from the crowd when it comes to iPhone accessories.

The “Hybrid Protective” Case. 
The “Hybrid Protective” case was one of the earliest designs to hit the shelves in regard to iPhone 7 cases and is designed for protecting the iPhone in the event of the user dropping it, etc. This case consists of 2 separate parts, one of which comes in a range of different colours. If you’re a clumsy person and find yourself dropping your iPhone regularly, then checking out this case or a similar case may be in your best interests.

The “Sniper Hybrid Protective” Case. 
The “Sniper Hybrid Protective” case is a step up from the previous “Hybrid Protective case” and is put together with 2 different parts made from different materials to ensure that the phone is kept protected at all times. The part of this case which makes it stand out is the stand which is provided. This stand allows for you to watch content on the iPhone 7 without having to hold it in your hands at all time.

The “Running Founded” Case. 
The “Running Founded” case.
The chances are that you’veseen a case similar to this, however you didn’t look much into it. This is the type of case which runners and joggers wear on their upper arms while they’re exercising, you’ve probably seen someone wearing one before! If you’re a runner and find yourself listening to music while you’re running, then having a case like this which you can strap onto your arm is worth the investment.

The “Resistant” case 
The “Resistant” case somewhat takes
all of the best aspects of the other cases. Not only is it a great case when it comes to preventing damage and being overall resistant, but the case has a stand connected on the back of it which allows for you, similar to the “Sniper Hybrid Protective” case, to place the iPhone 7 on a surface while you’re watching content on it.

Choosing the Right Case for You

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of iPhone 7 cases out there for you to choose from, there’s no argument about it. With the number of cases available, it makes choosing a case that’s right for you a more difficult task and as more devices get released, more cases are released, making it even more difficult. If this sounds like something you’re struggling with, check out some of the best iPhone cases available and read the in-depth analysis provided to find one for you.